2016 Glenn & Marion “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.” – Fawn Weaver GalleriesJuretz & VeniceView GalleryMico & NicoleView GalleryTony & KrystinaView GalleryJonathan & FarrahView GalleryKris & JeabemView GalleryAndrew & MariaView GalleryPrenup Session | Dale & TishView GalleryTobias & BelleView GalleryJam & ThamView GalleryNonoy & BeaView GalleryPrenup Session | Ahll & IrishView GalleryMark and NicoleView GalleryPrenup Session | Ariel & WaellynView GalleryTito & OggieView GalleryRisako and MasayaView Gallery