2023 Juretz & Venice “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything.” –Katharine Hepburn GalleriesJonathan & FarrahView GalleryMico & NicoleView GalleryGlenn & MarionView GalleryTito & OggieView GalleryMerit University Launch Event | UNILAB’s LRI Therapharma DivisionView GalleryMark and NicoleView GalleryTobias & BelleView GalleryUC College of Law – Acquiantance Party 2024View GalleryPrenup Session | Ariel & WaellynView GalleryKris & JeabemView GalleryTony & KrystinaView GalleryPael and PaolaView GalleryGlenn & StephanieView GalleryPrincess @ 16View GalleryNonoy & BeaView Gallery